Bad Row Estimates In PostgreSQL

Intro PostgreSQL is an excellent open-source database. It has an advanced planner that can usually generate good execution plans. But there are cases where it may produce suboptimal results. In order to estimate how many rows a query may return, Postgres relies on different statistics. They are available in the pg_stats view for each column of a table and the pg_class table and are updated when the VACUUM or ANALYZE commands are ran....

May 8, 2022

Suboptimal PostgreSQL Queries

Intro Listed here are some potentially suboptimal PostgreSQL queries I’ve noticed in a professional setting or just looking at different queries over the years. Note not all are suboptimal under all conditions, and as always, you want to benchmark any queries yourself to confirm any issues. All queries and query problems heavily depend on your data, data distribution, statistics collected, Postgres configuration, and hardware. All queries were ran multiple times to make sure there were as few cache misses as possible and the median times were taken....

March 5, 2022

PostgreSQL Lock Contention For Frequently Updated Rows

Intro A transaction that updates a row in Postgres acquires a RowExclusiveLock on the table it updates. The transaction will hold this lock until the end of the transaction where it will either commit or abort. No other transaction can update this row while this lock is held. This can potentially lead to lock contention for transactions that are trying to concurrently update the same row. How much impact does this have and what can you do to alleviate this if there is an issue?...

February 20, 2022